General Patton Leadership History

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CHAPTER THREE MILITARY CAREER 7. General Patton was enlisted to the US Army in 1909 and served until his premature death in 1945. He entered to the Virginia Military Academy and after one year he joined the United States Military Academy at West Point in July 1904. Although he got accustomed to the military training, General Patton struggled academically. Hence, Patton had to spend a great deal of time for studies. As a result of that he showed considerable improvement towards academic subjects. However, the balance of his academic work at the academy would remain marginal, but Patton was always excellent at military drill. 8. General George S. Patton was a Cadet Sergeant Major during his junior year at West Point and he was appointed as a Cadet Adjutant during his senior year. General S Patton graduated from West Point Academy on 11 June 1909. After that he was posted to 15 Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. He quickly gained a reputation for being a hard driving leader a reputation which impressed his superiors. Further, Patton mirrored his own leadership style before World War 1. Lieutenant Patton assigned a task of military operation against paramilitary forces of Mexico on 14 May 1916 as his first combat experience and also it was the first motorized attack in the history for United States warfare. 9. After the US became involved in WW l,…show more content…
Since operational in France on 01August 1944 until 09 May 1945, the 3rd Army was in continuous combat for 281 days. It had advanced beyond and faster than any army in military history, crossing 24 major rivers and capturing 21,100 Kilometers, including more than 12,000 cities and towns. With a normal strength of around 250,000 men had killed, wounded or captured some 1,8 million enemy soldiers, six times its strength in personal. By comparison, the 3rdArmy suffered 16,596 killed, 96241 wounded and 26,809 missing in action for a total of 139,646 men, a ratio of enemy to United States losses of nearly thirteen to

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