Research Paper On Gandhi

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Zane Schwarz 9/9/15 Gandhi essay Great Soul Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India He was a symbol of peace, tolerance, compassion, humility, integrity and every other positive attribute a man of virtue should strive to be Mohandas Gandhi, born in 1869, he did world altering things while he was alive, and even after he died, people still look up to him as a figure of peace, tolerance, compassion, integrity, perseverance, and any other positive attribute a man of virtue would strive to be. First he founded the Natal Indian Congress, which lead to much attention to his ultimate goal of Indian independence. Next Gandhi launches the Salt March, a major turning point in Indian independence, for it attracted large amounts of attention to the…show more content…
Sadly the apartheid lasted until 1997. Gandhi saw this new bill as unnecessary and idiotic, it only drove the point that segregation was ok. Though the apartheid passes, many people in the United Kingdom, and India see this injustice which played a large part in the long run of social equality. In 1906 the South African government passes the Asian Population Registration Act, this forced all people of Asian countries including India to register their job, address, name, age, and a multitude of personal things, including their finger prints. Gandhi and his followers do not give up on annihilating the recent unjust act, and they persevere though the tough time. during 1906 Gandhi establishes his ideas of nonviolent protest know as satyagraha the adherence to the truth, or soul force. Gandhi and a mere 2,000 of his supporters convened in Johannesburg to reduce their registration cards to ashes. Though Gandhi and a multitude of other large social equality leaders are jailed over 6 years of protest, non-violent rallies progress as more people join in the movement. Six years later the Asian Population Registration Act was abolished, a colossal win for social equality in…show more content…
Five years later the British Government passed the Rowlatt Act, this allowed British officials to arrest people and put them in prison without trial if they are suspected of terrorism. The Indian National Congress begins the Hartal Movement. Thousands of Indians halted working and boycotted British goods, this was a superb move by the Indian National Congress. Sadly not all peaceful things the Indian people did was met with peace. British Brigadier General Regional Dyer who had supposedly banned all meetings and gatherings in the city told his troops to fire on a crowd of 10,000 or more Indian people celebrating the Sikh Baisakhi festival. On April 13th, 1919 379 innocent people died and another 1,000 people were seriously injured, but this tragedy was not in vain as millions of people around the world heard of this and were outraged. One year later Gandhi encourages people to more intently boycott British products, this leads to an immense increase of people making their own cloths and not buying British goods. In 1930, the British pass the Salt Act, this made it illegal for Indian people to make their own salt, violating this act was punishable by a minimum of three years in prison. Gandhi with perseverance in his mind; begins the Salt March he travels a whopping 200 miles by foot at the age of 61
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