Renaissance Theory Of Nature

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The theory of eco-criticism is broad, comprehensive and apt enough to lend its application to all sorts of nature writings of all ages and times. It is not a method of analysis or interpretation but a redefined area of research and rediscovery. Most of the work in the theory’s jurisdiction has been pursued in the USA, where a special emphasis has been given to Native American folklore and literature; but much eco-critical work has also been devoted to the English Romantic tradition notably by the British literary historian Jonathan Bate in his books Romantic Ecology and The Song of the Earth. Nature may appear in one or more of its forms along with one or more other elements. These elements may incorporate social factors, religious principles…show more content…
It is very prominently observed that the Renaissance view of nature was largely influential on the minds of William Shakespeare, John Milton, John Donne and many other writers of the age. The Renaissance thinkers like Copernicus (1473-1543), Bruno (1548-1600), Telesio (1508-1588), Francis Bacon (1561-1600), Kapler (1571-1630) and Galileo (1564-1642) had been the architects of a very specific view on nature during the period. They admitted that there were two elements present in the external world- motion and orderliness; they however, rejected the Greek view that nature was alive and rational. William Shakespeare’s plays produced the impression that man’s battle is with the forces of nature. Shakespeare showed external sort of strife of man against the almighty nature as seen in the famous storm scene from his world famous tragedy King Lear. Following Shakespeare’s suit is John Milton, another literary giant who is a nature’s lover of the first grade. He is one of the first of modern men who showed the conflict of old and new values - the old system of astronomy and new findings of science in Paradise…show more content…
To him, it was society that drove man to nature. His pantheism was different from that of his contemporaries. He viewed the world of nature as a powerhouse of mysterious powers whereas P. B. Shelley loved nature for energy, vitality, vivacity, strength, positive inspiration, etc. To Shelley, nature was the perennial spirit ever ready to sympathise with and console a weary heart. His poem Ode to the West Wind is nothing but an attempt to accept the strength in nature to egg on the individual for action. In this constellation of Romantics, John Keats had his own unique vision of looking at nature. He didn’t drive himself to nature for energy or shelter’s sake, as done by his predecessors P. B. Shelley and William Wordsworth. He adorned nature for its beauty as reverberated in Ode on a Grecian
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