How Did Palladio Influence Architecture

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Palladio had an incredible career as a Roman Architect during the Renaissance period. Born in Padua, Italy, Andrea was known for his innovative approach and proportional design. Andrea incorporated this approach when he designed the San Giorgio building, built 1565-1580. (Figure 3) This was Andrea's first project he completed from start to finish. Palladio's work has been studied by some of the great Architects to learn what he teaches us about symmetry, rhythm, modularity and proportion to contemporary architecture. The work of Palladio has been studied by Bruce Boucher, Rudolf Wittkower and Stokstad each have written their findings about Palladio's architecture and his impact on design that changed the way buildings were built. Figure…show more content…
Wittkower begins with Giangiorgio Trissino, humanist and author of L'Italia liberta and Vitruvius, author influences they had on Palladio. Rudolf provides evidence of how Trissino brought Palladio to change professions from a stone/brick layer to architect. He points out how their relationship was strong and Trissino became aware of Palladio's knowledge for mathematics lead him to Vitruvius. Interesting enough, Rudolf shares depth in Palladio's life and his progression into the arts. Palladio not only was an architect, but he also was author of Rome thirty guide books which gave the history of ruins and lead to "the conception of Rome which travelers carried home for 200 years". The author obviously is quite impressed with the history and growth of Palladio through his writings. Palladio most influential writing was that of Quattro "libri Architectrua" 1570 which as Rudolf states "in which he set out to survey the whole field of architecture. The first book deals with the orders and elementary problems, the second with domestic buildings, the third with public buildings and town-planning, and the fourth with temples. This study digs deep into Palladio's development as an architect; describing his buildings and showing inserts of the plans and his asymmetrical design. Rudolf states " Palladio never undertook anything which to him was not legitimate by antiquity.... Whatever one may think about Palladio's facades, it must be admitted that they represent the climax of a development to which, significantly , the great classical architects, Alberti, Bramante and Peruzzi had contributed. It is not surprising; therefore, that Palladio's solution proved to be one of the great European successes and that is was copied for 250 years all over

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