Remember The Titans

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Main Idea of “Remember the Titans” Remembering the Titans will be an easy task for all viewers because of the courage that is demonstrated by the football team. The characters in this movie, ‘Remember the Titans’, learn not to judge others based on their appearance. Early in the story, Coach Boone (black) is made Head Coach to train the team not to judge each other by the skin colours. Later on, “Sunshine” is teased because of his features when he becomes a new teammate. In the end, a strong bond between two players, one black and one white, prove friendship between different races is possible if there is no judging involved. It is true the Titans started off with great difficulties and obstacles; but in the end, the Titans convince the whole…show more content…
To effectively deliver his message, he declares: “Listen up; I don’t care if you’re black, green, blue, white or orange.” Unmistakably, Coach Boone is using his power as Head Coach to strongly express his dislike for judging by the race. By saying “I don’t care” he is indirectly alerting the Titans that they shouldn’t care either. He demonstrates rebellion against racism and judging, which were common to be seen at the time the movie was set. Coach Boone was definitely not afraid to stand up against these appearance-based judging, since he knew it would only cause…show more content…
When Julius, the black best friend visits him, Alice the nurse tries to stop him for only family members were allowed in the room. However, she is bound to be dissuaded when Bertier says: “Alice, are you blind? Don’t you see the family resemblance? That’s my brother.” Bertier and Julius’s inseparable friendship confirms the argument of giving the others a chance to show who they are instead of judging by their appearance. In this case, the two players were so stereotyped about their outer differences in the beginning but they became the best of friends as soon as they knew more about each other. Ergo, being judgemental about the others’ features will prevent us from finding out who they really are
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