Remember The Titans: Courage And Strength

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Remember the Titans is a movie of courage and strength. In the movie racism in the town leads to a struggle with becoming a real football team. The team has to overcome the changes with becoming an interracially team, to become the winning team. Racism and football in a southern community is the storyline of Remember the Titans. Back in Virginia of 1971 desegregation among schools had taken place. The school in which this movie takes place is T.C.Williams High. All summer parents and students alike rioted over the new change. Due to rioting a black teenager was killed by a white store owner, which led to more rioting. Coach Boone was appointed head coach of the new desegregated school, being lack many were not happy. The towns white folks wanted their old coach, Coach Yoast. Coach Herman Boone was not welcomed into the community by the white folks, especially because he was black and an outsider. Parents where rioting stating their boys will not play for a black coach. To ease the towns disagreements Coach Boone asked Coach Yoast to stay and become a defensive coach. Yoast accepted the position, despite having Serval other head coach offers, to help support…show more content…
This event forces Boone to make the players partner up on the bus with a player on another race. Their partner that they are sitting with on the bus is also their roommate for the next 2 weeks at camp. When picking out beds at camp a fights breaks out between Julius (black player) and Gerry (white player). Boone then enacts a rule that every player must get to know a player of another race and if they do not comply thy will start to have 4 a day practices. At this points all effort by Coach Boone are failing, players of the opposite race are still rebelling against one another on and off the

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