Religion: Religion And Ethics

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Ethics is the branch of Philosophy that studies the science and art of humanistic perspective based on the tenets of reason and belief system. It deal with values and morals of human behaviour, such as right, good and duty (Mintz, 2012). Since ethics deals with good, moral and human behaviour, it relates to the virtues of religion which endorses morality and existence of life. This relation indicates the extreme connection between religion and ethics which argues revelation with reasons (Donahue, 2006). Thus, this essay will discuss about religion and ethics. The essay will unfold in two parts, first it will discuss the role of religion in ethics, and the second part will discuss ethical theories. The last part will debate on the possibility…show more content…
This implies that man is religious for self-development and since man is in existence with other social beings, his religiosity directly and indirectly affects other social beings. (Obioha, 2009). A religious person follow and believe in the code of conduct of religion. The code of conduct is written in Holy books and is presented as revelation (Donahue, 2006). For example, it is religion with its values of love, selflessness and brotherhood ness which believes in and enhances the unity of human and existence of life. (Obioha, 2009). Ethics on the other hand focuses on the reasoning of humanistic assumption, making moral decision that is good, right and duty-bound for own well-being while respecting the well-being of others (Louden, 2002). Thus ethics asserts the virtues of…show more content…
The most familiar version of the Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Puka, 1997). Almost all of the world’s great religions contain this rule in their religious books. In other words, we should treat others the way we would want to be treated. This is the basic ethic that guides all religions. However, the study of this rule leads beyond conventional interpretation, and the practice of the rule leads beyond conventional morality. This may be perhaps due to the generalised interpretation of the rule. For example, loving your neighbour as you love yourself, what an individuals want maybe not what others want (Neusner & Chilton, 2008). Yet, irrespective to the controversial arguments, most people in the globe regard the Golden rule as the most important principle in this book and perhaps the most important rule of life (Wattles, 1996).A clear set of values and norms are found in the set of divine

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