Importance Of Ethics In Business

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Business ethics are the elements that helps an organization achieves success. Most organizations expect employees to follow a code of ethics, which are sometimes simply referred to as “rules”. This code explains the standards of integrity with respect to relationships with customers, other employees and others associated with the organization. Following ethical practices can earn trust for the organization that translates into long-term benefits. ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ethos, which means good and bad, right and wrong and should and should not related concept or concept or philosophical idea (Khan, 1985). The ancient Greeks believed happiness was brought about by living one’s life in accordance with virtue – positive traits…show more content…
The report shows that the tendency to corruption is constantly on the rise. Khan, Rahman & Siddique (1995) had drawn a picture of unethical behavior in Bangladesh such as neglect official duties, bribery, outright embezzlement of fund and etc. all these lead to unnecessary delay in decision making. Religion provides many with a language of ethics and often an actual “list” of rules by which to live, some of which may be relevant to fighting corruption. In countries where religion plays a central role in people’s lives, it is expected that many people, including public servants, will derive their moral and ethical values from their religion. Attempt to reduce corruption have had limited success, leading to a renewed interest in the role that religious values might play in future initiatives. Religion encourages man to be acquainted with ethical standard which would be free from personal or social influence. For example, in order to free an administration from the influence of patronage or hatred in applying administrative discretion, in Islam, the Holy Qur’an says to its believers: “O ye who believe! Be ye staunch in justice, witness for Allah, even though…show more content…
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