Aristotle's Triangle Rhetorical Analysis

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Religion is a large part of our daily life. It has shaped cultures and the way in which people think morally. It is a deciding factor in how citizens vote, or what they do on their Sunday morning. Religion impacts lives in such a way that people devote large expanses of time and disregard semi-proven or even proven facts for the idea of faith. Yet, if sometime in the future, science were to prove something that would completely eradicate belief in ones god, how would the general population react? Social structure may change, non secular governments may break down, and religious followers might disregard their previous moral stature. Astronomers are exploring outer space more and more every day, and the finding of extraterrestrial life would mean a leap for science, but might be catastrophic for common beliefs and cultures. To begin with, religion does not only affect science. Since religion is a…show more content…
Politicians and governments often use Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle to get what is needed, this is a way of using faith to achieve things. Aristotle’s triangle is made up of three parts; ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is one’s credibility or faith in another, pathos is the emotion that one feels towards another, and logos is the consistency and logic of a person’s argument. All three points are arguably important in convincing someone, however someone in an argument would never let the other win if they had no trust in what the other was saying. Many candidates lie about their religion to achieve ethos, and many governments are non-secular for the same reason. If a religion’s logos was completely erased due to logical science, there would be nothing to have faith in, and all politicians and governments that attained that faith through religion would be incorrect. An incorrect government that has no credibility, consistency or logic in their argument would break down; their triangle would

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