Relationship Between Mother And Baby

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Bonding - togetherness mom and baby Bonding - togetherness mom and baby Many have heard about the phenomenon of bonding. So we call the mysterious bond between mother and child, which allows the kid to understand without words. Mom can just anticipate the needs and desires of the child. The term has come to us from the English language. The word means "reunion." By bonding refers to an intuitive relationship that exists between a toddler and his parents, the explanation of which is not science, and that there is, rather, in spite of than because of the logic and the laws of physics. About the phenomenon of bonding first talked after the publication of the book "Magical Child", authored by Joseph Pierce Chiton. The book describes the…show more content…
Therefore, it is very important that the child was left for adaptation at the hands of the parents, if there are no critical readings for momentary intervention. It so happens that my mother is not ready for a joyful meeting with your baby. In this case, it can welcome the pope. The kid is familiar with it, and native hand no worse than the mother's breast calm down and bring the joy of meeting. The Pope will share with their crumbs microflora, from the first moments of providing protection against harmful microorganisms "big" world. There is another reason why the mother and baby need support during childbirth. In the last century the British scientist John. Prescott demonstrated that positive emotions in the first hours of a child's life allow him to lack of aggression in the future. His discoveries have revolutionized the industry of maternity homes and gave rise to the joint stay of mother and baby after birth in the wards. The first few days it is important not to break the skin contact with the mother and child. It is necessary to abandon the swaddling. Heat mother body - the best thermostat for the

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