Applying John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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The Attachment theory is a psychological theory that focuses on the general concept of relationships between human beings. The theory, which was developed by John Bowlby, looked to show the importance of infant needs with regard to developing a relationship with a primary caregiver for social and emotional development. The concept focused on a child’s attachment style with a caregiver, the child’s development throughout childhood, and how it influenced later interactions in society. The patterns of attachment developed by Mary Ainsworth, are identified and referred to as secure attachment; anxious-avoidant attachment; anxious- resistant attachment, and disorganized attachment (Newnan & Newnan, 2015, p. 141). The theory of attachment is important…show more content…
It has been said that there are certain type of “love hormones” that develop in the mother during pregnancy. However, there are circumstances like cesarean pregnancies, and complications with the mother after the birth that may affect the child’s attachment to the mother in the beginning. Through my own learning, the biological “sensitive period” which is usually when the mother and baby are alert and awake, and begin to recognize and bond with each other, can take place with the infant’s father as well. It is believed that when a baby is born it is contact, not t hormones, that facilitate attachment. The hormonal advantages play more of a part while the infant is in the womb. The skin-to-skin contact with a bare chested mother or father if the mother is incapacitated is what jumpstarts the bonding and attachment. Mothers who are able to bond with their child right after birth are able to form a secure attachment with their child even after separation because they are immediately given the opportunity to bond. However, with cases like cesarean pregnancies, which can be traumatic for the mother and the child can cause prolonged separation. This may lead to the mother’s confidence with regard to childcare diminishing, as well as a correlation between the traumatic event and the baby, which may affect the attachment process. Once this occurs the infant is liable to develop an anxious-avoidant or anxious-resistant attachment to the mother. While attachment may be affected negatively due to separation after childbirth the bright side is that there is a strong possibility for change as the mother learn and begins to nurture her child. Although situational influences and new interpersonal experiences may affect attachment security to varying degrees, evidence suggests that there is a moderate degree of

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