Peacekeeping Goals

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With the end of the Cold War, a new generation of peacekeeping operation was needed to help with nations resolving conflicts. As the 1990s passed, the United Nations (UN) experienced difficulties to reach its objectives, changing the initial optimism to a more pessimistic approach. The complexity of intrastate conflicts waged within the population required multidimensional peacekeeping missions. The UN has been on over 100 missions in different nations. They have succeeded and failed over the span of their lifetime. The Security Council (SC) is tasked with bringing out peace when dealing with these problems. In a press conference, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said “ Our job is to intervene: to prevent conflict where we can, to put a stop to…show more content…
The UN and the Security Council’s goal is to bring out peace to the world, have they succeed or fail the goal. The low success rate of the UN peace operations has driven them to consider a serious change in the structure. It is imperative, then, that such intrastate and interstate conflicts can be focused on to bringing about peace and successful resolving resolution to these issues. Over time they have reformed the UN laws and regulation to better fit what the UN tries to do. They also defend what they can and cannot do. The UN looks at all mission being carried out and the SC gives them orders to be carried out. One must know the main characteristic of the UN and the SC, the main difficulties that coordination the political aspect of it and lastly why they sometimes fail. The UN officially came into existence on 24 October 1945 and continues to grow in remaining true to its pledge. The Charter of the United Nations consists of a preamble and 111 articles grouped into 19 chapters. There are six principal bodies of the UN: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the…show more content…
Politics to the nation themselves are some of the reason why they fail. Coding a military occupation a success or a failure is difficult for four reasons. First, success is a continuous variable. Second, occupiers do not withdraw into there is stability in the nation. The achievements of occupying powers must be considered relative to the cost of the occupation. The cost is composed of direct and indirect costs. Direct cost is the financial aid of the troops. Indirect cost is the cost of the occupation. Third, is the goals of an occupying power may shift making it difficult to rely on to judge whether it has failed or succeeded. Fourth is that it is difficult to know when it has succeeded or failed. Short-term stability is not sufficient to be a successful occupation must ensure the security of the nation. It is then measured by looking at the long-term balance of successes and failures within the nation to the cost of it (Art). So some missions are harder to determine whether or not it is a failure or success. The peacemaker military mission involves halting the violence temporarily, providing logistical support, or both. While the military keeps order, the diplomats try to create power-sharing arrangements, arrange elections, resettle people and restore peace and stability.Forces often find themselves in the midst of a violent and confusing conflict without clear or appropriate rules.
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