Negative Impact Of Social Media

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Social media has permitted the customers the opportunity to give feedback instantly to organizations about services and goods given which is a key component for any organization which wants to apply the feedback to improve its services to the customers. Social media assists in speedier access to external knowledge and improved information sharing, reduced external communication costs, improved collaboration and innovation opportunities and exploiting new marketing opportunities. The organization also uses the social media platform to educate customers about it products and services and how the services can be used. Social media provides more effective branding, stronger brand loyalty, and improved marketing, including stronger customer interaction,…show more content…
Despite the positive impact of social media on organizations, there is a considerable negative impact that comes with its usage. Social networking and social media platforms may clash with the organizational structures, the norms of behavior, the levels of accountability and control that pre-exist the technology’s introduction. Many employees that are addicted and choose to adopt the technologies will become distracted by social networking, and as a result be less productive at work. Organizations become worried about their employees posting hateful, inappropriate or critical material on a public-facing social network. Providing false information through social media channels can damage the company’s reputation. Also, the speed and enormity of the social media can spread rumors, mistakes and cover ups to more people more quickly, thus greatly damaging the company’s…show more content…
Personal Values Values are principles, standards or qualities that an individual hold in high regard. It is important that I develop an awareness of what I value, as these values will be important in enlightening my relationships with people of diverse backgrounds, colors, race, languages and genders. Dependable: At my workplace, I have become a loyal team member who feels a close connection and alignment with my organization goals. I am more passionate about the work I do. I am more driven to achieve results. I care more about how my work impacts those around me in the workplace and in the community. Moreover, I found that the values of my organization fit neatly into the realm of my own established principles, ultimately allowing me to be more effective and successful in the workplace. I wholeheartedly adopt and emphasize my sentiment that shared values build trust, which builds my commitment to customers. I have come to realize something very important about the impact that my personal values-based decision-making can have in the workplace. Whether consciously or unintentionally, my personal values may work to impact others profoundly, influencing their actions, feelings and work
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