Mahler Theory Case Study

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As for Mahler theory, there are: • Normal Autistic Phase: Birth to 1 Month • Normal Symbiotic Phase: 1 to 5 Months • Sub-phase One: Differentiation - 5 to 10 Months • Sub-phase Two: Practicing - 10 to 16 Months • Sub-phase Three: Rapprochement - 16 to 24 Months • Sub-phase Four: Consolidation and Object Constancy - 24 to 36 Months Mahler broke down the stages from the birth to 10 months in three phases as Bowlby only has 2 phases. In Mahler theory, the first phase Birth to 1 month is a Normal Autistic phase. Normal Autistic phase is when a newborn child is not aware of his surrounding except his/her needs. At this phase, the mother has to be available at all times as to reach the baby’s needs and introduce affectionate and caring (Grace, 2013).…show more content…
At this stage, the baby starts to look for the primary caregiver more and s/he is more interested in the outside world. At this phase, the parents start to notice the baby’s first signs of separation anxiety. During this time, the child will continually look for the mother when they are doing other things such as playing as a reassurance that primary caregiver is still present. Frequently, babies try to express interest in the environment around them, when they feel comfortable and safe in their caregiver’s hands. In this phase, the mother will be accessible to help the baby’s emotional well- being and while it first acts about this time (Grace,…show more content…
Knowing the phases of Attachment and Separation-Individuation Theory, helps me to notice when a child has attachment or bonding difficulty. It’s important to know that a child without any attachment and bonding in his/her early age will be affected in his childhood and also in adulthood and they will find it difficult to have a steady relationship as well to find someone to trust (Fonagy & Target, 2007). These theories helped me realise how difficult a child will go through when there will be lack of attachment and bonding. Once the child comes to therapeutic play, through play I need to build a secure bonding and positive attachment with the child that had never experienced this bond before. Therapeutic play consists of mirroring, pretence, performance, sharing, showing and witnessing and this is very helpful to repair and reforming attachment through experiential and sensory means and brings up those early relational situations that happened before words became central, permitting the brain to accomplish new, more creative patterns. Infect, reparative presentations of secure attachment involvements between the therapist and the child are essential to positive change (Malchiodi & Crenshaw, 2014). Although all the therapeutic play therapists can be used with the

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