Reggio Emilia Approach To Education

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1.0 Introduction 1.1 Reggio Emilia’s background/pioneer Reggio Emilia is come from a city in northern in Italy and also known for its approach to educate young children. The Reggio Approach get its name from it place of his origin, Reggio Emilia, a city located in Emilia Romagna in Northern Italy. The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy which focuses on the preschool and primary school. After the World War II, Loris Malaguzzi, a young teacher and the founder of this unique system is join the forces with the parent of this region so that they can provide childcare for young children. This system were inspired for the needed woman to return to the workforce, it is also one of the childcare at parent’s working place which those…show more content…
Morrison, 2014). It is refer to children has their own ability to explore the environment surround them. Children learning through their experience and from their experience they can learn to doing problem solving or sharing their experience. The Reggio Emilia Approach is base on a strong image of children as curious, competent, and capable of co-constructing knowledge with other children and adults (George S. Morrison, 2014). Reggio Emilia Approach believes that children are actually capable of constructing their own learning base on their interests to gain knowledge and understanding. Hence, children will start to explore by themselves to fulfill their needs of curiosity than waiting adults to feed them. In Reggio Emilia Approach, social interaction also one of the development that contribute to this approach to encourage children have the brave in their self to get out from the circle of their origin life, like example Cody is a 4 years old boy and today is his first day of school at kindergarten. He likes to be stay alone since he is the an only child in the family, but day by day Cody able to start interaction with teacher and peers to solve every problem that he face. Teacher also give him a problem to let him solve it, teacher also create an activity which include small group activity, whole group activity…show more content…
Behind the HighScope Approach there are two big influenced people they are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. In the early of the approach, Jean Piaget was much influenced and then The HighScope Approach has been renamed the cognitive oriented curriculum, after all Lev Vygotsky (socio-cultural) also became an influential towards The HighScope Approach. The HighScope Approach is participating learning between children, teachers and parents (relationship). This approach is created base on children needs and also base on children’s interests. Each child is special with their own ability. As parents can’t be around them all the times, parents also have been exposed about the HighScope Approach then parents can apply it at home. Teacher need to give understanding to parents about the active learning actually is not any dangerous will include as long as the adults already prepare it environment suit with children age, needs and

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