Benazir Income Support Program

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TOPIC OF REASERSH PROJECT The impact of Benazir Income Support Program on Poverty in Sindh: A Case Study District Khairpur The impact of Benazir Income Support Program on Poverty in Sindh A Case Study Khairpur Mir’s Research Project Project Supervisors Prof: Dr. Ikhtiar Ali Ghumro Prof: Sayed Muqeem Shah Department of Commerce Faculty of Management Science Shah Abdul Latif University Submited by: Ihsan Ali Soomro Roll # CO-0215-14 Class: Final (Morning) Department: Commerce Acknowledgement All thanks to Allah almighty, the benevolent and compassionate who blessed me with the power & capabilities and remained contented on all intricacies found during the successful completion of my research project proposal. I feel…show more content…
This study aim to determine whether the Benazir Income Support Program established for the purpose of reduction of poverty and empower the poorest peoples specially women. The present study has been under taken for analyzing the impact of Benazir Income Support Program on poverty in Sindh. For this purpose sample size of 150 female and male beneficiaries were randomly selected from the villages. The result suggested that Benazir income support program influencing on poverty or not and what further more impacts on poverty. Benazir Income Support program, Is an unprecedented initiative designed to control poverty and its performance moral task of improving the lives of poor segments of…show more content…
It is one of the major in-struments of Government of Pakistan to achieve the targets, set by United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Concept of Benazir Income Support program is derived from the broadly acknowledged development theories of social protection, widely implemented in de-veloping as well as developed world. The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is a non con-ditional cash transfer non conditional funds (NCF) program institute under Former Prime Minis-ter Yousif Raza Gilani. who head of initial stage of this program after taking the consultation ad-vice from Ex President Asif Zardari. The program provides financial assistant to low income families through bi monthly case payments. Ms Marvi Memon is the Minister- Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support program (BISP). Mr Saleem Ahmed Ranjha is the Secretary Agency Executive and Mr. Haq Nawaz Khokhar is the Director of the HR

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