Reggio Emilia Approach Analysis

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1) Description of the Reggio Emilia Model b. The Reggio Emilia approach was developed by a man named Loris Malaguzzi in a town named Reggio Emilia that is located in Northern Italy. c. The approach was created after World War ll when the community came together to begin a new approach to help children learn in a new way. According to the article "Reggio Emilia Approach" written by Kristy Brown, the article states that "the program originally served three to six year olds but by 1970 it was reaching kids as young as three months." This is a big age gap! The article then continues to explain that the approach is based on the importance of child to teacher and child to child relationships. It also reflects the importance of children being able to express themselves and family participation. 2) Selection of the Reggio Emilia Model…show more content…
I chose this model because not only do I love Italy but I find this approach extremely useful and interesting. I agree with the approach in many ways. However, what mostly caught my attention was the child to teacher relationships and the importance of self expression. b. What appealed to me the most is that I think it is very important to have a good, reliable, and personal relationship between children and teachers. This helps children learn more efficiently and can help the teacher better understand the ways that each individual child learns best. Also, children who can express themselves at a young age and be accepted for their thoughts. This helps children grow and can help children discover what they are truly passionate about at a young age. c. If teacher knows a child personally than they can identify whether the student is a visual or auditory learner. Personally, I am a visual learner and I think it would have helped me a lot more in elementary school if the teachers were able to help children on their unique needs. Another way that the Reggio Emilia approach helps children learn is 3. Application of the Reggio Emilia

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