Early Years Centres

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1. Ontario Early Years Centres (OEYCs) Ontario Early Years Centres is the place where children up to six years old and their parents or caregivers can access to early learning and parenting programs, services and supports. Parents and caregivers can receive information about their children's development and the available services to support their children’s development. There are over one hundred Ontario Early Years Centres across the province to support parents and caregivers across Ontario (Ontario Early Years Centres [OEYCs], n.d.). It recognizes the importance of the early years in child development. Therefore, each centre offers a range of support services such as drop in programs, workshops on a variety of parenting topics, information…show more content…
Influence of Reconceptualizing Movement in ECE The reconceptualising movement in the field of early childhood education has developed in the past 25 years as the concern about the dominance of child development theory and education from multiple perspective of critical, feminist, postcolonial and postmodern (Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education, n.d.). The movement is developed as the scholars see the need for opportunities to participate in discussions which were unlikely to occur in “regular” early childhood conferences, books or articles (Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education [RECE], (n.d.) as cited in Pacini-Ketchabaw & Pence, 2006). The focus of discourses addressed by the reconceptualization scholars includes the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP), Reggio Emilia Approach practice, the role of Early Childhood Education and Care institutions, children’s rights, and professional disciplines. The examination of appropriateness of DAP guidelines for children is particularly emphasized by U.S. reconceptualization scholars. While they focus their research on children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with special needs and children considered at risk (Pacini-Ketchabaw & Pence, 2006), they claim that the DAP was ethnocentric and ignored the range of life contexts and knowledge experienced by children from diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic and value…show more content…
They are competent and capable in their own way of developing. Children are seen as communicators who are capable to develop cognitively, physically and socially through the use of symbolic representations. I believe that it is the educator’s responsibility to understand the whole child in their mind, heart and body according to their developmental level and base the curriculum according to the child’s needs. With the knowledge of child’s development and observation on their daily interaction and experience, teachers are able to plan curriculum and create a high quality classroom environment where the child can grow, learn and explore at his or her own developmental level. The Early Childhood Education program is aligning with the goals for children. It is the ground place where educators, families, professionals and communities can work together towards the objectives for children’s learning, development, health, and well-being. A pedagogy curriculum framework is the sum total of experiences, activities, and events that occur within an inclusive environment designed to foster children’s well-being, learning, and development and ensure meaningful participation for every

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