Reflective Essay On Community Service

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This past year, I had the opportunity to complete multiple service hours at numerous organizations. Before, the thought of community service hours was a bore to me before I began my volunteer work. I dreaded starting my service hours, although I knew I had to do it. Where I earned my hours didn’t matter to me, I just wanted to get my hours over with. To my surprise, when I went to complete service hours for the first time at St. Alban’s Coconut Grove Day Nursery, it was not what I expected. Community service became something that I wanted to do, that I enjoyed participating in. Completing service hours was a very enjoyable and beneficial experience. My time at St. Alban’s Coconut Grove Day Nursery helped me to grow while unveiling to me what is really important in my life. I performed my community service at St. Alban’s Coconut Grove Day Nursery. It is a private non-profit organization that currently serves 110 preschool children and 30 infants and toddlers. St. Alban’s is a quality childcare program. It is strategically located, serving a unique population that will have a positive impact not only on the children, but also on the families and the surrounding community. St. Alban’s…show more content…
Alban’s. I learned so many life lessons that have really changed the way I view situations. These kids taught me how to enjoy the little things in life and really appreciate everything. I knew these kids did not have ideal living situations, but they were the happiest out of all of us there. They did not let their personal problems affect how they treat us, this impacted me the most. It taught me that even if I am having a bad day that I should not let it change how I should respect and treat others. While working with these kids, I realized how privileged and lucky I was. Specifically, Aria taught me a lot. This little girl was never without a smile on her face when I was with her. She taught me that joy is a

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