Reflection About Reading

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Beyond any doubt, literature transforms reality into what seems idealistic contemplations, these are regarded as to have a great deal of scrutiny of the world. Therefore, it does not fall short on what is required if we are to address what everyday life denotes to me. The act of reading has always been dear to me, since I was very young I used to find shelter in the world of the words. The passion I experienced as I was being transported beyond my present reality to worlds of fantasy, or being edified by different tactics to deal with real-life problems was unique. Reading, sometimes made me wished I could be the highly treasured damsel in Maria by Jorge Isaacs or the fierce yet tormented soul of Melinda Sordino in the novel Speak. Possibly…show more content…
As I see it now, my first years of reading were as those of a newborn learning how to eat, being nourished is a pleasure but the real delight lies in tasting the food that by the time was only wasted. However, throughout this semester I learnt that reading is indeed a thrill, therefore it should not be enjoyed carelessly comparable to the ways of loving of this generation of eagerness and facileness. Considering that in literature the result is not as valuable as the process, then the gratification of putting together the puzzle is what is essential. The capacity of analyzing and widening the raw data to apply connotative meaning grants the reader a deeper understanding so as to give account of what is not seen at first sight and to connect the dots. To be responsive to literature is imperative, since this deals more with the process of creating new meaning and experiencing the text as is being read. Nevertheless, one has to be careful to not merely focus on the act of reading and how it affects the perception of meaning in a text, for it then would make an emotionalist experience of
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