The Pros And Cons Of Colonialism

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The term ‘postcolonial’ has been used in reference to a condition that succeeds colonial rule (Sidaway 2000). A definition as such could be argued as rather misleading in light of the fact that majority of nations involved are still culturally and economically subordinated. This essay, with reference to Sidaway (2000) and Orwell (1936), will make obvious the multiple postcolonial conditions that allow for the continuation of coercion and will further delineate the different categories of imperialism and colonialism. In addition to this deficient definition, ‘postcolonial’ also signifies a set of theoretical perspectives of which the associated limiting factors and benefits will be explored (Sidaway 2000). To fully understand this highly contested term, and present relations between western and non-western peoples, it is necessary for postcolonialism to have a historical vision (Sharp 2009). In other words, the practice of colonialism…show more content…
Thus, imperialism can be democratic but it can also be oppressive. There emerges this ‘phantom state of global governance’ (Sidaway 2012: page), a non-coercive force that lives on despite the removal of the imperialist itself. Although direct control, in the form of settlement and exploitation may have ceased in a postcolonial era, domination persists through a sense of mental control built within a western framework. The current poor economic situations of most ‘third world’ states cannot be separated from earlier presences of the west. Furthermore, the discourse of ‘emerging markets’ promoted by western-led financial institutions can be viewed as a contemporary means or embodiment of the colonial regime within a ‘postcolonial’ world (Sidaway

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