Recruitment In Human Resource Management

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Introduction An Organisation would not be completed without the existence of HRM (Human Resource Management), and Human Resource Management usually talks about the human in the organisation or the one that potentially joins the organisation itself. Human Resource Management always been associated with recruiting people, how to attract new talent, recruit them, to retain them in the company itself, and also managing their performances to meet our own expectations. Before we talk any further about recruiting and managing performances, we must know the definition of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management can be defined as “A strategy, to develop an organisational culture for the integration of man, task, and organisation”. It means…show more content…
Recruiting a new talents is one way to get a competitive advantage, and one of the way to increase the growth of a company because in recruiting, you got a person or group of person that have a certain KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) that fits in your company, that you can use to do things that you probably never do before. (for example: you recruit a new IT team that can manage your database and create a website for your company, etc.) So what do we usually do in the recruiting processes? We all know that, as an employer, we always wanted the best of all the candidates that apply for the job to end up working for us, the employer. But what is the definition of the best in this context? The best person could also be defined as the right person, with the right KSA that is in the right place (your company). Before this i have mentioned that having a KSA that fits in the company can increase your competitive advantages and make your company grow, it is applicable in any given situation, even in bad economic situation, a right person in the right place can make an opportunity to turn things…show more content…
There are three steps strategy to get the right person, first is to clarify goals by being S.M.A.R.T., second is to do targeted recruitment, and to always clarify your expectations as an employer.(Diane Arthur,2012) 1. Being S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive) in clarifying goals. Give the exact goals and objectives, lay out the data, calculate the time, etc. The employer needed this to clarify the specific functions and task in order to make the company grow. Then proceeds to assess the current staff and match it with the needed task. This then will be the foundation for the HR to know which part needed a new talent the most. You need a new talent that worked for the right type of job to maximize their potential. 2. Do targeted recruitment, you know what you needed, and you also have to know where to find them, for example, you need an IT guy, you have to focus on the industrial-based web based sources. Don’t waste your time and money by putting a recruitment ads on the sports magazine,
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