Recovery Management System

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D. Recovery Recovery activities aim to return the living conditions to normal or better and they usually include two sets of activities. 1) Short-term recovery activities return vital life-support systems to a minimum operating standard. 2) Long-term recovery activities may continue for a number of years after a disaster. Recovery efforts are primarily solicitous with actions that overwhelm rebuilding destroyed belongings, re-employment, and the repair of other pure infrastructure. This phase also represents the first step to a new planning/mitigation phase, because this is the point when the analysis of the cause of the disaster or emergency takes place. Has outlined and emphasized various aspects of disaster management where the use…show more content…
CATEGORIZATION OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Disaster management systems can be categorized on the basis of their characteristics and the phase in which these are used. Our classification of disaster management systems is as follows: A. Monitoring System A monitoring system records data as real world events occur. These data are helpful in spreading timely warning to agencies and populations at risk. It allows them to take precautionary measures to prevent and reduce loss of life and property caused by events like earthquakes, floods, tsunami, forest-fires etc. The monitoring data may be used to run simulation systems which are described below. B. Live…show more content…
These are used in the preparedness phase to train the rescue, relief and decision-making personnel. Simulation systems are crucial as they can be used to present varied scenarios and check the efficacy of procedures to deal with them. More sophisticated simulation systems can be used to predict the disaster progression and damage estimation. IV. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE ANALYSIS OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS In the previous section, we categorized disaster management systems. Certain architectural concerns are vital for the development of these systems. We now define from, the meaning of each of the quality attributes and their implication in the context of disaster management. A. Availability Traditionally, availability is concerned with the long-term proportion of time the system is working and delivering its services. In the case of systems operating in the preparedness and response phase of disaster management, it is important that they work round the clock collecting real time data. For example, monitoring systems should be highly available irrespective of the climatic conditions prevalent in a geographical area. B.

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