Receiving Criticism In Psychology

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Receiving criticism is not for everyone and I can certainly be counted among those who have a hard time being criticized. Especially when the disapproval is aimed at a hard-worked project or towards a personal trait or attitude which are rooted within ourselves. Nonetheless, having the ability to receive constructive criticism both in the workplace and at a personal level is essential in the quest for individual development. But why is it so difficult for many individuals to receive and process criticism? According to Dr. Leon Seltzer (2009), a Ph.D. clinical psychologist and contributor to the magazine Psychology Today, defensiveness towards criticism begins to be fostered during childhood when many people are regularly criticized by parents or caretakers resulting in many individuals becoming hypersensitive. As people grow older and such feelings are not overcome, negative or even well-intended criticism can automatically remind a person of the shortfalls so intensely felt when criticized as a child. (p.1) Another explanation given by Dr. Seltzer (2009) to why many people are vulnerable to criticism is that: Criticism, even well-intended criticism, can be understood as a direct assault on our ego. When (however unconsciously) we've come to associate our very selves…show more content…
I am immensely grateful for the childhood I had. However, it was not free of some negative aspects. I was frequently criticized and reprimanded (most likely for a good reason), as time passes and you hear complaint after complaint you start to believe less of yourself. For example, it took me a relatively long time to feel confident enough to speak English in public, mainly because I was afraid of criticism. I do not consider myself to have a big ego but as Dr. Seltzer explains when my perspective is questioned or disputed I do feel somewhat exposed and my emotions might become out of balance for a short period of
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