Argumentative Essay On Negatives

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There exists as many views and approaches as the world population today. Arguably, even a newly born baby has a view that makes immediate people around it respond in a peculiar way to its demands. It is not universal to all newly born babies. The question that comes to mind then is how our views help us to our best advantage to optimally enhance our lives as individuals? We experience an infinite number of deaths and re-births as we progress through our lives. We are babies at every stage of our development and our old selves die as we are born again in the new. In the process, we adopt a myriad of views, some real and useful, others myths and not so useful. Strangely, our minds sponge all experiences only choosing to bring forward those aspects that help to further the next desirable view. We painfully advance at a snail’s pace from the time of each re-birth. The continuum to present day selves has been continuous and unabated regardless. It cumulatively accounts for the way we acquired the nature of knowledge we have of ourselves and its state of being to make up the basis of who we are. Impact of the discovery period prior to setting in of what we perceive as our epistemic ontology is made up of seemingly trivial and infinite entries that build on each other to compose our true life stories. It is our responsibility to capture…show more content…
It is a painful process to come to the realisation of what it is that has been holding us back. Without it, we could have achieved most of our dreams. We could have been enabled to engage our areas of natural ability necessary to develop best performing personified integral designs of our present and future paths of action. The closer we are to our best truths, the better we are at deriving optimally suitable philosophical approaches that take us towards the best of

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