Effects Of Social Network Addiction Essay

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Social network sites like MySpace, Facebook are famous sites used by today’s generation. People are spending a great deal of time using these sites to access public life. How is public life shaped by social network? What has social networks caused in the last century? Did it affect us negatively or positively? is browsing social networks actually an addiction?. This article seeks to explore how social networks have affected us and our children. In 2002, A company named LinkedIn created something phenomenal; they created the first social network. At first this company's aim wasn’t creating a social network; in fact social networks had no meaning back then. LinkedIn wanted to create a network just for businessmen to connect to each other, little did they know a revolution in cyberspace was about to occur. One year later MySpace was created by a Tom Anderson. In 2004 the famous social network Facebook was created by no other than Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook holds about 1.5 billion…show more content…
Many people don't realize how dangerous cyber bullying is. Thanks to social networks cyber bullying is considered to be the most harmful bullying tactic since the last decade. Cyber bullying is caused by many acts. A user can create a fake profile pretending to be someone else just to post pictures to embarrass the bullied or spread lies. unfortunately cyber bullying is far more dangerous for different reasons. cyber bullying can be cause from anywhere from people you don't even know, whenever you feel safe from bullying you aren't actually safe, It happens when you least expect it anyone can insult you or verbally harm you by stating something wrong or threatening , since social media sites can be seen by anyone sending a message by chat or commenting something mean on a picture of yourself can cause the bandwagon effect, by commenting something hurtful anyone anonymous can join

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