The Most Impacted People In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Jay Gatsby was a poor man at heart despite how wealthy he was. Gatsby was and forever will be in love with Daisy Buchanan, the love he had for her was very very strong, Daisy was his long lost sweetheart. Gatsby was a man with wealthy, serious, and always threw the best lavish parties that everybody goes to.The story of this novel reveals the true ‘ Jay Gatsby’ and the closer Gatsby and Nick were the more gatsby opened up about who he really was. Jay Gatsby was the most impacted person in this novel. Gatsby tells Nick about his past and who he really was, Daisy reunites with Gatsby was a very intense moment in the novel. These events impacted Gatsby and changed him as a person. Gatsby tells NIck about his…show more content…
Gatsby tells Nick about his past and who he really was, Daisy reunites with Gatsby was a very intense moment in the novel. These events impacted Gatsby and changed him as a person. In the novel Jay Gatsby is a man with a lot of money, a lot of acquaintances, and very few friends. The rumors that circulate around him make him out to be some kind of mysterious man that just watch everybody at his parties, like for example when people were saying that Gatsby killed a man. But Jay Gatsby didn't really care about wealth, or social status, or anything that people at his parties talked about. Instead, all Gatsby truly cared about was the love he had for Daisy he cared so much about her that he was willing to waiting for her to come back running to him and leave Tom. Gatsby, wanted Daisy to be his and make that dream become true, which was get married to her, despite that fact he was married to her by heart. Gatsby did everything he could to bring her attention with all the elegant parties he always threw, and all the celebrities that were invited.That's why Jay Gatsby is then most impacted person in this novel The Great Gatsby By F. Scott

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