Depression In Older Adults

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Abstract Depression is a problem in older adults. The indications of elderly depression can have an emotional impact in each part of their life, like energy, appetite, sleep, hobbies, and relationships. Regrettably, many depressed older adults fail to identify the signs of depression, or don’t even know they have them in order to get the help they may need. As life changes such as retirement, the death of a loved one, diminishing health, these things can sometimes cause and there ways to prevent them from happening. There are many programs to help older adults with depression and this paper will identify the causes and what may trigger the symptoms, prevention and intervention steps to take, and the severity of depression in older adults.…show more content…
Sorrow after the loss of a loved one is a normal response and normally there is no need for mental health treatment. On the other hand, heartache that persists for a long time or is abnormally severe, resulting in a loss that may entail action. Depression is very treatable in older adults if there is need, the problem is identifying the problem and getting them the help they may need. The right action may help increase the general health and value of life in older adults. With the correct treatment, they may start to see recovery within two weeks of therapy (Older Adults with Depression,…show more content…
There are estimations that between the years of 2015 and 2050, the amount of older adults is expected to almost double from 12 percent to 22 percent. Older people will be facing unusual physical and mental health problems which need to be known. Mental health problems are not identified by health care specialists and older adults themselves, are very reluctant to seek help because they think there is nothing wrong with them. Older adults stress may become more intensified because of reduced agility, long-lasting pain, weakness, for which they will need some kind of long term care, whether at home or in a health care setting, they will also experience more life events such as retirement, loss of family and friends and a reduced income. Most of this stress can result in seclusion, lonesomeness or emotional suffering in older people. Another thing that can cause depression in older adults is elder abuse, whether it might be physical, verbal, neglect, they start to lose their self-worth and self-esteem which in turn lose their confidence in themselves (Mental Health of older adults, 2018). The other reason depression in older adults is so concerning is that according to some statistics in 2011, suicide in older adults is rising. Below is the charts that show the increase in suicides by age. Considering the extent of this it is imperative that actions be taken to help older adults cope with depression (Psychology Benefits Society,
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