Alcoholics Anonymous Case Study

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Introduction Community Psychology aims to research and intervene in any community based problems in order to ensure the reduction and removal of these issues entirely; it also aims to research in order to understand how these problems originate. A common problem is that of alcoholism where individuals suffer from a substance addiction to alcohol whereby it negatively impacts on their lives; these individuals wish to recover and often turn to a program called Alcoholics Anonymous which is a community based rehabilitation program. This program focuses on the socialization of addicts and those that have successfully recovered. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Alcoholics Anonymous as a community based program for rehabilitation and whether…show more content…
Most rehabilitation programs for addictions and substance abuse utilize the twelve-step process (Kelly & Meyer, 2007, p. 267). Further success has been attributed or at least correlated with higher attendance of meetings to a higher rate or abstinence from substance abuse (Kaskutas, 2009); while research has found that the more meetings a member attends or the more consistent they are with their attendance the better their chances are of staying sober, one cannot say that by going to these meetings that they will be ‘cured’ of their…show more content…
9); this covers a broad range of community based settings and areas that aren’t specific to programs or organisational analysis. By getting to know the community, these psychologists learn how to be the most helpful by engaging in community diversity and support where they can (Fall, 2010). The following principles make up the main intentions and aims of community psychology; a respect for diversity; such as differences in anything from race to sexual orientation, the importance of context and the environment; people are governed by their expectations and demands within a given situation, empowerment; acknowledging that the value is good, the process is a way to feel that members have a say, and the outcome of them feeling empowered; the multiple levels of intervention possible within an ecological perspective; the microsystems, mesosystems, the exosystems and the macrosystems, and the ecological process; such as the interdependent influence, the adaptation, the cycling of resources for goods and the succession when change

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