Seasonal Affective Disorder Research Paper

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Despite living in the technological advanced 21st century, there still proves to be minor commodities that still puzzle us today such as depression. With many contributing factors such as SAD, poor sleeping habits, genetics, and too much time on social networking sites, depression proves to be the most complex ailment of all. Even though it has such small contributing factors, they prove to be the leading causes of one of the most widespread illnesses in the world. For example, one of the most common cases of depression is SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is more commonly known as the Winter Blues or Summer Blues, It is typically a response to the body's delay in adjusting to changes in the seasons. As stated by the Mayo Clinic, most people that experience this will normally get it around the same time each year, for some it will start in the fall and continue through winter or it will start in the spring and end in the summer. This will deplete you of your energy and make you feel more moody. Secondly, Poor sleeping habits can also cause one to feel more dismal. Lack of sleep can cause high levels of irritability and can increase your susceptibility for depression. In a 2007 study, scientists found that when healthy participants were deprived of sleep…show more content…
This cause is more common in teens and pre teens. Although social media can have a positive effect on us emotionally, many studies have been conducted that are linking social networking to depression, social isolation, causing feelings of envy, insecurity and poor self-esteem. Because of this, Internet addicts tend to struggle in real life situations and may have unrealistic views of how the world should be. Maybe it’s best to understand our own personal reasons for using social media and to see whether or not our use of them is helping or hindering our sense of connection to others, as well as our overall emotional

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