Executive Function Skills In Montessori

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Since my CAC is an infant, I am doing this assignment based on a 3-year-old boy who has executive function delays. Prior to moving into my current preschool classroom, as a part-time aid, I worked with this young boy in his older toddler classroom. Therefore, I am familiar with his temperament and behavior as well as I have gotten to know his parents pretty well during my time with the center. Working with this young boy along with his family has been an exceptional experience, which I am truly grateful for. MJ is an amazing energetic little man, who as I mentioned is experiencing executive function delays where he struggles with inhibitory control, working memory, and mental flexibility. This week’s reading assignment has been on point, to…show more content…
For instance, sweeping the classroom, MJ loves to sweep and do other classroom management chores, such as dusting or scrubbing tables. Although he does need constant supervision to stay on task and make sure he does not use the broom as a horse or swing it around like a batton, sweeping will help him to build confidence. Independent activities will build confidence children that is why in a Montessori classroom you will see a child scrub a table or wash dishes, all those activities are essential to helping the child develop a sense of self in their environment. All of the materials in our classroom are open-ended and can be explored as the child desires. However, for a child like MJ, who will always play at the play-dough table or cut confetti that he will be tempted to throw all over the classroom, it is important to direct him to activities that will help him develop specific skills. Sensorial materials will help him to develop curiosity along with his working memory, such as the smelling jars or sound…show more content…
These activities help the child pay attention to the process of completing a task. For instance, having a child like MJ do the banana job is productive because this job focuses on the process, not the completed task. A characteristic that I probably struggle with the most is relatedness to the material. In a Montessori classroom, all the materials interact in some way to each other, however, to be an effective facilitator of the environment I must understand how they relate to one another. Another words, once the child has mastered food prep what is the next step in their development? They can always go back to food prep, but in order for them to develop to their fullest, you want the child to progress onto the next level of development and not stay there doing the same thing repeatedly. That is when the child will leave the reality of the work and begin to get lost in fantasy play or even have behaviors because their mind isn’t being challenged enough. Therefore, the child must always remain just outside his zone in order to progress fully through the

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