Observation Of Scrutiny

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Scrutiny When I felt the tiredness of my feet from walking and observing people, I know I have already come up a good study. Roaming inside a mall and listening to strangers is not that easy but I have done it. As I walk around the mall I noticed a lot of different genders together. The first observation is a boy and a girl talking. They we’re both holding hands so I assumed they’re in a relationship. They we’re both talking about a particular party that the boy would go but the girl refused. Suddenly, a girl with nice body came the eyes of the guy. The guy quickly turned his head to girl and back to his girlfriend. The girlfriend noticed it and removed her hands from his. As the chasing continue, the guy suddenly hugged her and told her that he…show more content…
And the girl accepted his apology and they both held hands again. My second observation was a man and a woman. They we’re business partners because of the way they walk and talk. I followed them until they reached a restaurant. They sat down and took out a folder in their bags. They we’re talking about how the company’s insurance be applicable to their upcoming building. As soon as they’re food has arrived, they both put their folders inside their bags or briefcase and began to eat. They didn’t talk much when they we’re eating so as soon as they were finished the man stood up and shake hands with the woman. They walked away from each other on opposite directions as if they do not know each other. The third observation was a boy and girl. I assumed they were friends because they were laughing so hard and
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