Quit Smoking Research Paper

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Smoking and the use of other tobacco products is growing more and more every day. There are numerous health related reasons why people should quit smoking. Millions of people are affected by smoking and it causes them to have health related issues like emphysema or chronic bronchitis for instance. In fact smoking is even one the of main causes of death in the United States. Premature death can be a major risk to those who smoke, it's estimated that 438,000 people die every year from it. Quitting can be extremely difficult because of the nicotine that's in cigarettes can be addicting to most people. A couple safer alternatives to cigarettes are electronic cigarettes or nicotine patches. Electronic cigarettes are becoming more popular everyday…show more content…
A simple conclusion that can solve this problem is supplements. Supplements have been around for a while now and can help people continue to stay healthy. Although supplements can help, this doesn't mean you can substitute a supplement in replace of an unhealthy diet. For example, the body still needs nutrients from foods but, supplements can help make sure your getting enough of these nutrients. There are all sorts of supplements in different forms such as, tablets, capsules, pills and even liquids. Vitamins can be healthy supplement for the body and even benefit people. Vitamins can help the body in numerous ways, whether it be supporting vision and bone growth or strengthening the immune system. Other supplements like protein products can also help the body. Some people might need to gain weight in order to be healthy and getting extra protein can help. On the other hand fat burner supplements can be taken in order to help lose weight. These supplements can be great for most people but, supplements are not for everyone. When taking supplements you should consider if it's necessary to take them first. Cautions should be taken when consuming supplements for instance is it safe or going to have and negative benefits on you? Supplements can be expensive as well but, they can help in a significant way by benefiting peoples

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