Psychological Well-Being Case Study

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III. Psychological Well-Being Understanding psychological well-being has a wide and many definitions. To be able to better understand it, there are individuals that give definitions to it. According to Huppert (2009), people with high psychological well-being is satisfied with life, feeling happy, capable, supported and functioning well that will help to improve physical health and intervened possibly by brain activation patterns, neurochemical effects and genetic factors. For Burris, Brechting, Salsman & Carlson (2009), psychological well-being refers to the person’s welfare, happiness, advantages, interests, utility, and quality of life. It is how people face, evaluate, solve and give actions to their life issues, experiences and their…show more content…
Harmony in life has been suggested as a complement to evaluation if life is according to their expectations or an ideal in satisfaction in life (Kjell et al., 2013). And in some study also concluded that positive affect might serve an anti-depressive factor as well as facilitative factor for happiness and life satisfaction which supported Deci and Ryan (2008) statement that psychological well-being is a combination of positive affective such as happiness and the value in individuals social…show more content…
Based on the study of Cann & Collette (2016), they want to determine if having a sense of humor can give contribution to maintain stable positive affect and lessening stable negative affect. There are different humor styles that an individual may possess, and they found that only adaptive styles, affiliated and self-enhancing were related to psychological health outcomes, and any humor uses might contribute to more stable positive affect by allowing for greater pleasure in one’s life (Fredrickson, 2013). After doing their research, they come up with the result that supported by Kuiper (2012), that having a good sense of humor can be used to enhance and protect well-being by appreciating the positive relationship with coping the life satisfaction, happiness and resilience. Moreover, sense of humor can be a big help to cope up with the stressors and that person is capable of facilitating the achievement of psychological

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