Essay On Paediatric Drowning

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Introduction This case study discusses that case of paediatric drowning resulting in resuscitation procedures. Drowning is a major burden worldwide, accounting for an estimated 500 000 deaths each year (Zuckerbraun and Saladino, 2005). In many countries, the frequency of drowning is increased among children under the age of 5 (Zuckerbraun and Saladino, 2005). Drowning is defined as “death secondary to asphyxia while immersed in a liquid, usually water, or within 24 hours of submersion” (Zuckerbraun and Saladino, 2005). Despite drowning being a leading cause in injury and cardiac arrest in children, the average paramedic will only treat a small amount of victims annually (Weiss and others, 2010). The immediate care for these victims is perplexing due to the unique pathophysiological mechanisms and management issues. Aetiology and Epidemiology Drowning remains a significant public health concern, it is the major cause of disability and death, particularly in paediatrics (Weiss and others, 2010). Residential swimming pools are the most common venue for pediatric drowning, it is reported that a child is 14 times more likely to die from drowning in a swimming pool to that of a motor vehicle crash (Weiss and others,…show more content…
Airway management is crucial in resuscitation but more times than less it can be extremely difficult to achieve that. Early back-up needs to be obtained in order to ensure the best management possible. Early intravenous access must be acquired in order to administer lifesaving drugs. If the patient was to gain return of circulation then the signs and symptoms must be treated (e.g. Reversible symptoms, maintain perfusion etc.) In the case of survival the patient must be constantly reassessed for any changes that may occur. Resuscitation due to drowning is a time critical case and requires adequate and appropriate decision

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