The Importance Of Autobiography

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Living in a society we all are pushed, pulled, and shaped by our experiences, our culture, and our environment. Through some form or the other unknowingly we are transformed according to our surrounding. One expresses oneself, by writing or through any form of art like painting, drawing etc. A description of a person’s life written or narrated by that person itself is termed as Autobiography. In this essay I will be talking about how Autobiography became a subject of art for the artists and how they were driven to this theme. Autobiography in its broadest sense is viewed as an ‘enlightening technique of self-depiction and self-reliance’. (Yang 2004) It is an idea of identity that causes the autobiographer to tell their whole life story. The…show more content…
The Oldest Cave paintings about 30,000 years old in Lascaux caves in France are evidence to this. In optical representation, few episodes of life or specific sections of the narrator are seen. The autobiographical is seen as a mirror of content to be read. The artists took over the medium of clay, marble, wood, bronze pigments to sculpture, painting, drawing and recently photography, video and installation. Artists have and still are trying to capture the obscurity of one self. In following essay I will be discussing about the artist Claude Monet and his work, how his work was autobiographical and what inspired him to take the subject in his…show more content…
A critic sardonically called his painting style as, ‘Impression’ since it was concerned more with form and light than realism, and the term struck. Monet struggled with depression, poverty and illness throughout his life. Monet did not like being confined by space and was more interested in being outside. At an early stage he developed a love for drawing. He filled his school sketchbooks with sketches. Monet moved to Normandy coast when he was five years old. (Tucker, Claude Monet- Life and Art n.d.) This event was significant as Monet’s childhood was spent along the beaches, and the intimate knowledge he gained of the sea and the rapidly shifting Norman weather, later gave rise to his fresh vision of nature. (Development n.d.) Monet’s first success as an artist came with the sale of his caricatures when he was 15. After meeting Eugene Boudin, a local landscape artist, he started to explore the natural world in his work. Monet painted without care for content or meaning, fictional associations. He at the end was interested not in the ideas, but only in the delight of nature, asserting pleasure as a genuine goal and function of art. (networks
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