Speech About Patriotism

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Patriotism, such a short word but actually it is more than ten letters. I think patriotism is doing everything for your homeland. These are working for it, going elections, attending national holiday ceremonies and being respectful your founder and all soldiers who died for your homeland during wars in the past. This is not very easy thing for everybody to do. Everybody can say I love my homeland but patriotism is not only saying “I love”. If you feel proud while singing your national anthem, if your eyes become tear filled while listening a poem about your nation, if you miss your founder everyday even you haven’t see him before, this is patriotism and this is being Turkish. Actually in our country, past is very important because this country didn’t be Turkey very easy.…show more content…
Because of this, loving your country means belong to this nation. So that, consider for a minute before saying I love my country. If your love includes all things, which are mentioned above, shout it in everywhere and at every time. By the way, I want to mention about my proud, of my country. This is impossible not to be proud of it. Millions of people laid down their lives, our big founder ATATURK dealt with this country in every moment in his life, citizens overcame a momentous change and I am sure, it wasn’t easy to attune a completely new regime and lots of new

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