Psychosexual Theory

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Introduction The psychosexual theory is mainly centered on the concept that the each and every human being has a sexual drive to the opposite sex throughout his /her life. Also, even our life is conditioned by the sex to an extent. The theory says that the drive for sex starts right from the birth of a child till his/her end passing through different stages. The same sexual drive is the part of a n emotional growth which is happening in every life. A balanced person will be able to cordon his drive for sex if he has attained a balanced emotional growth from his childhood. Discussion The Psychosexual drive begins from the birth as a new born starts to expose the symptom of this drive through various ways though unnoticed…show more content…
For example, some of the parents may be too strict to maintain neatness and should at the baby or others may be too careless and let the child be dirty for a while and some others may be moderate in their approach. Depending upon the behavior of the parents, the baby may become compulsive personality or self controlled or even may become Mr. or Miss Perfects. This can be managed by proper parenting and attending to the need of the child at the time of urination excrement. Parents should find enough time to train the children to clean themselves and shouldn’t leave the baby unattended and uncared. The baby may feel unprotected and uncared in their later life and demand more love and affection from others. Adolescence and Education Assignment 1 Aminath Warda BEDPM 5607 Adolescence and Education Assignment 1 Aminath Warda BEDPM 5607 Page 4 C) Phallic stage It’s a stage between 3- 6 years of age. It’s the time when a child may identify the body organs and shown interest to see the organs of opposite sex and start to touch the private parts of the other sexes. It is also the stage a girl may aversion to her mom and attachment to parents…show more content…
D) Latency The fourth stage of psychosexual development is Latency and its between 6 - the time of Puberty. It’s a time of hormone development in a child and both the parents should handle the child very carefully. They should observe the behavior change of the child and respond appropriately in time. Always try to engage the child with good friends as in this age the child himself or herself learns a lot of this from schooling, friendship, hobbies. Therefore the parents have to observe each and every activity of a child with and without his/ her knowledge and advice, council, care and attend to the needs of the child. E) Genital The last but not the least stage of the psychosexual development of a child is Genital and its between the age of Puberty till the death. It’s the time of detachment from the parents and found happiness with friendships love relationships, adult responsibilities. In this stage an adolescent may show interest to have sexual relation with the opposite sexes and find happiness in that. Therefore the parents must be observant and handle the issues through motivation,
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