Personal Statement Essay: My Study In College

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I have a passion for traveling and going on new adventures; I want to see all that the world has to offer me. I get such a thrill when I purchase airline tickets or find a new place I get to discover. I spend the majority of my free time searching for cities to explore and people to meet. In fact, my weekly planner reads, “Where to next…” on the cover in bright, bold letters. There was never a question or hesitation in my mind when it came to studying abroad in college— it was part of the reason I chose San Diego State. I was lucky enough to go on two education trips abroad around Europe in high school. When researching potential colleges my senior year, I took those trips into consideration. SDSU has amazing programs all over the world, and I couldn’t wait to be a part of it. There are so many reasons why I have chosen to study abroad, but the most important reason is because I want to be fully consumed by a culture and be able to bring all of my experiences back home. I want to live and participate in another culture and share those memories and lessons with my friends, family and future employers back home. I am currently studying abroad in Rome, Italy and I am so amazed by the…show more content…
This program has everything I am looking for in my second study abroad experience. Aukland is a beautiful city with so many activities to take part in. I truly believe that my time there would shape me into a new, more experienced individual. New Zealand is an adventurous country, perfect for my personality. AUT offers so many activities around the city that I could never be bored. With so many beaches and scenic sights so close to campus, it would be convenient to travel throughout Aukland and see other cities as well. It would also give me the opportunity to possibly venture to other counties in the area. I have always planned on visiting New Zealand and this is the perfect opportunity for me to do

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