Ppc Advantages And Disadvantages

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SEO and PPC: Advantages and Disadvantages Once you involved in the e-commerce business, you need the promotion of the web resource on the Internet. What tools it's better to choose for this? As a rule, the choice is narrowed to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or PPC (Pay Per Click) promotion. Let's start with the definition of these two concepts. SEO-optimization - this magic phrase includes a number of actions aimed at promoting in the search engines and, consequently, the attraction of searching robots to your website. In other words, a number of SEO optimization measures includes, for example, such as: optimization of the internal structure of the website; correct prescription of meta tags (title, keywords, description); registration in…show more content…
Moreover, this contextual advertising is offered by our favorite search engines. Now, let's talk about what is the best - PPC or SEO optimization. Thus, we will analyze several parameters. 1. Cost Usually, SEO is much cheaper than PPC, of course, if you do not purchase backlinks in batches. Internal optimization consists of your salary and the salary of a programmer. As a rule, catalogs are free of charge. In general, in SEO you have a choice of what and at what price to buy and you can measure these inputs according to your budget. But, it will not work with PPC. You need to get a return. To get a return in a form of a certain number of visitors (potential buyers) to your website, you should pay a certain price, which is determined not by you. It is specified by the local market, where you operate + search engine that offers you services. So, contextual advertising or PPC is usually more expensive. 2.…show more content…
At any time, you can stop the campaign or change the text of the ad. In the case of SEO, if, for some reason, you've decided to abandon the backlinks from directories, of course, you will not you remove the existing ones. Or you've changed the keywords in meta tags for your site and no one knows how, when and what will be the effect. Thus, the possibility of operational management is higher for PPC advertising. 6. Setting You can customize time and geography of contextual advertising. In SEO, there is only conditional geographic targeting. But on the other hand, with the use of SEO, you can capture a lot of non-target or narrowly targeted queries, while it will be much more expensive for PPC. In the case of contextual advertising, you pay for every visitor. In the case of SEO, each unplanned visitor is free. For example, someone decided to put a link to your resource on their website, because this person got a positive feedback from another friend, or someone just liked the content on your site. And roughly speaking, any visitor from such source does not cost you a penny. 7. Monitoring PPC advertising requires constant attention, working on ads, prices, and so on. If you do SEO, the effect can either be or not. Actually, it will be, but you could not immediately check and control it, as it has been said

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