Reflective Reflective Report About Work Experience Internship

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Reflective report about work experience internship As studying in one of the biggest entrepreneurial capital in Europe, I also wanted to experience the diverse, energetic atmosphere of the startup ventures in Amsterdam, therefore I attended the Uprise Startup Festival in 2015. At the event I had the chance to meet and network with a lot of talented entrepreneurs, so thanks to the great connections, which I have gained, I got a work internship opportunity at one of the exhibitor venture. I have conducted my internship at a startup company, THINKFIRM, which contains several sub-companies and projects. During my internship I was assigned to the venture called Heppee ( which is an application all about children and its aim is to smoothen…show more content…
As part of the entrepreneurial way of working, every member has own projects as freelancer, one-man-companies which they run besides the projects in which I have participated and they have to divide their attention between them. The time and resource constraints resulted in hands-off working style, which gave me a lot of freedom for managing my tasks but also some disadvantages e.g. there were some working day, when there was nobody at the office who I could ask for feedback or support for executing my tasks. Evaluation The internship was a perfect opportunity for me to apply the concepts, principles, and integrate my knowledge from diverse courses which I have learned at my Strategy & Organization specialization. The structured work experience in the field of strategy and marketing at a startup venture have enhanced my academic, career, and personal development, since I could observe the work place and atmosphere and experience the “real word” business situations. My expectations were fulfilled with this work experience, since I had the chance to work in a creative, hard- working, supporting team without any

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