Poverty Analysis In Nigeria

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The aim of poverty mapping is to estimate geographically the determinant of lack of well-being at area unit level with disaggregated socio-economic or other type of data. Its output is an estimate of poverty pockets and inequality distribution across the state which can be visualized by maps to enhance communication of the results. The aim of this study is to use poverty maps to analyse the spatial distribution of poverty in the state by comparing the poverty factors of years 2000 and 2009. The poverty variables for the two years were subjected to factor analysis resulting to only five poverty factors. The results were then mapped out using a geographic information systems analytical tool called 'map overlay'. Polygon-in - polygon feature method…show more content…
Poverty incidence in the country recorded increases between the period 1980 and 1985, and between 1992 and 1996. The results also show appreciable decrease in poverty rates between 1985 and 1992 and between 1996 and 2008. Even, with the drop in poverty in poverty rates, the population in poverty has maintained a steady increase from 17.7million in 1980 to 68.7million in 2004 and 75.2 million in 2008. Mapping poverty analysis contains maps which provide detailed description of the spatial distribution of poverty and inequality in a country. It combines individual and household (micro) survey data and population (macro) census data with the objective of estimating welfare indicators for specific geographic area as small as village or hamlet. Recent advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), databases and computer aided software engineering make poverty mapping possible, where data can be presented in the form of maps and overlaying interfaces for cross-…show more content…
Ekiti State, carved out of old Ondo State, was created on 1st October, 1996. Ekiti state has a population of about 2, 384,212 ( NPC, 2006). The region under study is located between latitudes 70 35” and 70 39”north of the equator and longitudes 50 11” and 50 15” east of the Greenwich meridian. Ekiti state is located in the tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons (Adebayo, 1993: 11). It lies South of Kwara and Kogi States as well as East of Osun State. It is bounded in the East and in the South by Ondo State. The State is mainly an upland zone. It rises above 250metres above the sea level. It lies within the areas underlain by metamorphic rocks of the basement complex. It has a generally undulating land surface with a characteristic landscape that consists of old plains broken by steep-sided-out- crops dome rocks that may occur singularly or in groups ( Bankole, 2006:8). Such rocks are common sights at Ado Ekiti, the state capital, Efon- Alaaye, Ikere- Ekiti and Okemesi - Ekiti. The State is dotted with rugged hills. The notable ones among them are Ikere- Ekiti hills in the southern part, Efon- Alaaye hills in the western boundary and Ado- Ekiti in the central

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