Positive Experience In My Life

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In my life so far, I have met many situations, some bad and some good. There is some situation from I gained knowledgeable information and other not so positive experience. Though I believe, a human being can learn from both negative and positive experiences. This is my positive experience at a community center. Back in September through December 2016, I volunteered at a community center called Bhutanese Community in Harrisburg. An organization established to empower women, youth, and elderly people to adapt into the mainstream American society. It also helps to mobilize people by conducting different cultural programs, sports, and social programs. The organization's primary goal is to set up a community center where all groups of people can…show more content…
There were gratitude and moment of bitter truth. It was the first time in my life I used a voting machine which I was given permission to help people learn. Those who came were mostly elderly people. Elderly people were illiterate. They were unable to speak any English, but they were ready to give a vote for the first time in their lives. For many people, I had to repeat the lesson more than twice. Though I did not felt frustration because we were having a good conversation as well. Elderly people were really interested to use an electronic machine. I asked a guy about what he thinks about the voting machine. He replied, “I don’t understand this new technology. I never went to school because there was no school in my time. I wish I could read and write English.” He even gave me the advice to take on the opportunity I have with my life in America. I also helped apply citizenship form for some people. That was a long, and tiring moment I remember because I had to pay attention to many details. Though, it was fun and memorable experience because not only I was helping but learning too. After a couple of days, I spent in the Bhutanese Community in Harrisburg, I got information about suicidal cases among the Bhutanese refugee population, and how it increases every year. The organization president, Mr. Tika Dhungana gave a speech on how they want to help and prevent suicides among Bhutanese

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