Case Analysis Of Nike

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Decision Makers Mark Parker is the chief executive officer at Nike and he is a top decision maker in this organization. He has an interesting leadership style that makes employees at Nike happy. Parker uses a wining management tactic of asking questions and encouraging team members to find answers instead of trying to know and do it all himself (Lebowitz, 2015). Mark Parker is known as a participatory leader as he provides flexibility to employees. He also successfully manages Nike by instilling good organizational structures. Nike focuses on global corporate leadership, which involves corporate managers, so that managers within the organization can easily make decisions. Geographic divisions are also a significant aspect of organizational…show more content…
This controversy lasted for over a decade and as a result Nikes’ reputation was almost destroyed. It is first important to establish the locations that were most effected from the poor labor practices. In 1991, Indonesia was the first country to be exposed to be utilizing said immoral practices. Over the next few years a multitude of other countries including China, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea were gradually brought to light for their immoral strategies to keep costs low (Nisen, 2013). The immoral practices that were being exercised in these factories included child labor, drastically low wages which were below the local minimum wage, physical abuse, and egregious working conditions (Wazir, 2001). As a result of these newly found realities, large numbers of human rights groups and university students began to protest and demolish the reputation of the previously sought-after athletics wear…show more content…
To start off, it is important to recognize how Nike utilized a flexible approach while addressing the internal and external issues regarding the scandal. The two criteria that best fight their solution style are imagination and improvement. Nike used imagination when fixing their issue, by implementing solutions such as creating an education program for younger workers and creating a publication whose purpose was to identify the workings of their external subcontractors (Wazir, 2001). Furthermore, they also increased their wage policies which fixed the overarching problem of immoral business practices while also investing in their company’s future, and by increasing the economic well-being of their employees (Nisen, 2013). Following up on the improvement side of the solution, Nike enforced new policies, whose purpose were to ensure working conditions reassembled ones located in the west (Nisen, 2013). Thus, Nike was successfully able to utilize management solutions to repair their reputation and to ascend back to the top of the athletic wear

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