Personal Narrative Essay: The Day At The Beach

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I lock up my vintage bike to the bike racks where two other bikes stand. Jax pulls on his leash as we start walking down the windy track towards the beach. The wooden planks that once made the path are now covered in heaps of sand that let only small parts of the planks stick out. The smell of the salty water travels up my nose as we near the end of the track. We reach the end of the track and as we step out from the safety of the native trees and shrubs we are hit with a big gush of wind. The wind blows my hair back and creates little nots that will soon turn into bigger ones. I unleash Jax who sprints off into the water and starts running through the waves. I take a seat on the soft, warm sand that sinks down as I sit. The wind takes one bigger gush before calming down a bit. Raking my fingers through my long brunette hair, I try to untangle all the knots the wind created. The waves break onto the surface of the sand and leave shells. The smell of the salt overcomes the smell of the decomposing seaweed that is lying just ahead of me. Jax splashes around in the water, chasing the waves and rolling around in the sand.…show more content…
Families, swimmers, teens, children all pack the beach, some in the water, some on the sand relaxing. The noise of the people travel down to my end of the beach and fills up the silence. Suddenly I’m attacked by a wet tongue from someone

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