Ponyboy In The Outsiders

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“Some of us aren’t meant to belong. Some of us have to turn the world upside down and shake the hell out of it until we make our own place in it” (Lowell). In S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders were introduced to Ponyboy, the fourteen year-old member of the greasers. He has reddish, light brown hair, “greenish gray” eyes and long greaser hair, which they refer to as the “tuff” look. Although, his physical features and appearance is intertwined to that of a greaser what makes Ponyboy different is his characteristics; he’s intelligent, sensitive and empathetic. That is what makes him stand out compared to all the other guys he doesn’t fit in their world he’s the outsider. First, Ponyboy Curtis is very intelligent and educated he breaks free from the stereotypical greaser. “… I’m supposed to be smart; I make good grades and have a high IQ…” (4). In case you don’t know, Ponyboy excels at just about anything. He might not have the means that the Socs have but that doesn’t stop him from being smart…show more content…
They shouldn’t hate each other…I don’t hate the Socs anymore” (122). He doesn’t understand how there could ever be a rivalry between these people, to him the only thing that are different is what part of the tracks there from. Another, Is how bad he feels about the situation with Bob “I had never given Bob much thought—I hadn't had time to think. But that day I wondered about him. What was he like? ... I looked at Bob's picture and I could begin to see the person we had killed…” (138). After, looking at the picture of Bob he realized that the Greasers and Socs are people no different than him. They have troubles no matter where there from and people who care and love them just as much as the Greasers love
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