Domestic Violence: Raised On Fear By Lee Cox

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Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Observes, in the past year, seven million children in the United States have lived in environments where domestic violence is present (McDonald). This leads to the question, what does this mean for many of America’s children? Lee Cox, the author of Raised on Fear explains the impact that living with domestic abuse and eventually child abuse had on him by saying, “I grew up in a world of violence and unpredictability. I learned to take care of myself because no one else would. I learned to lie, to conceal and to cover my fears with anger and violence.” Cox suffered from emotional pain because of his experiences with domestic abuse and child abuse, which lead him to build walls around himself by not trusting…show more content…
Comment to Thiara Ravi K, that in 2007, every single day 13,485 children were hurt and suffered from pain and living in a shelter for domestic violence. When we understand as a society the significance of domestic violence and then clarify the causes and work to creating solutions, however no one is immune to domestic violence. Occurs in all races, ages, religions, culture, socioeconomic and sexual orientation. Although, that not impact our society only, but that experience of domestic violence on children could be traumatic and terrifying affect rest of life of those kids. (Losing Out On Both Counts: Disabled Women And Domestic Violenc). According to Fitzgerald, in 2013, an estimated 679,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in the United States (9.1 victims per 1,000 children in the population). More than 27% of victims were younger than 3 years. Nearly 20% were aged 3 to 5 years. The victimization rate was highest for children under the age of 1 year. The problem is harmful. In 2013, an estimated 1,520 children died due to abuse or neglect. That means that more than an average of 4 children died from maltreatment each day. Of the children who died, more than 71% suffered neglect and 46.8% suffered physical abuse (Child Welfare…show more content…
The violence and abuse that some children encounter is enough to make them traumatic for the rest of their lives. It crosses all boundaries of income, race, ethnicity, and religious faith. A child abuser is usually closely related to the child, such as a parent, stepparent or other caregiver. Victims of child abuse may feel that they sometimes caused themselves the abuse that they are being given day in and day out. They usually have poor self-esteem and are more likely to be afraid when the situation gets tighter. In addition to physical injuries that may be the result of abuse, child victims may develop eating disorders or sleep disturbances, including nightmares. These nightmares can last a long time and some even go on to adulthood. What is even more disturbing is the fact that they can reciprocate such behaviors on their offspring’s. When this pattern takes shape, it can trickle down to generation after

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