Comparison Between Ponyboy And Soda In The Outsiders

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In the book, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Ponyboy and Soda should be able to live with their older brother, Darry. Ponyboy and Soda’s parents died in a car crash, leaving only Darry to care for them. Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry are all apart of a social group, called greasers. The greasers and another social group, called Socs, always get in gang fights. Darry and his brothers have had many hardships, but they always persevere and find a solution. Ponyboy and Soda should be able to live with Darry because he cares for them, he is a good role model for them, and he tries to keep them out of trouble. Ponyboy and Soda should be able to live with Darry, because he cares for them. After the brothers’ parents die, Darry is faced with the difficult task of taking care of his little brothers. Darry makes sure that Ponyboy and Soda are always fed and healthy. He cooks meals for them and cares for them when they are hurt. Ponyboy said,” Darry had made me put a band-aid on the cut.”(Hinton 16). This shows that Darry is very caring. He made sure that Ponyboy’s cut was all taken care of, and that Ponyboy was alright. In conclusion, Ponyboy and Soda should be able to live with Darry because Darry always cares for them.…show more content…
Darry aspires to improve Ponyboy and Soda’s living conditions. He works hard to earn a living. Ponyboy thinks,” That’s why he’s better than the rest of us, I thought. He’s going somewhere. And I was going to be like him. I wasn’t gonna live in a lousy neighborhood all my life.” (Hinton 138). Darry sets a good example for Ponyboy and Soda by working hard. He shows them that hard work pays off and that family and friends are what matter most in life. To wrap it all up, Ponyboy and Soda should be able to live with Darry because he sets a good example for

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