Shrek Chapter 1 Outline

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Chapter 1: Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not) Main Ideas: • Quests may not always be as dramatic as a knight having to save a princess from evil, but instead may be as simple as a trip to the supermarket. • There is usually a stated reason for a quest, but the real reason never involves the stated reason. • The real reason for a quest is to always gain self-knowledge. Connection: In the movie “Shrek,” Shrek starts off as a hostile and solitary ogre who dislikes all and is disliked by all. After he meets Donkey (who sort of acts like a guide for Shrek, teaching him how to be a more compassionate and amiable person and a friend) and the fairy tale characters invade his swamp, he goes to Lord Farquad who promises to give Shrek back…show more content…
When Daisy and Gatsby reunite, it is raining as the interaction proves somewhat sad and uncomfortable. However, as their old love reignites, the sun begins to shine. Also, Wilson kills Gatsby on the first day of autumn, and as Nick describes, there was a “chill” in the air. Chapter 10: Never Stand Next to the Hero Main Ideas: • Character change, grow, develop, learn and mature. • It’s important to remember that characters are not people but rather are products of both the writers’ and the readers’ minds. Writers don’t create characters that are exactly like someone who exists and reader shape the characters on their own to make sense of them. • In fiction, there are round characters, who are three-dimensional and capable of change and development, and there are flat characters, who are two-dimensional and lack full development. • All types of characters are necessary to the story.…show more content…
These influences will possibly be an individual’s role in society, humanity’s relationship with nature, or women’s involvement in public life. • Recognizable characteristics of Christ include: crucifixion, agony, self-sacrificing, good with children, 33 years of age, carpenter, walking on water, arms outstretched, confrontation with the devil, 12 disciples, very forgiving, etc. • Be analytical, identify the features and how they’re being used. • Writers usually use Christ-figures to make a point, to deepen the sense of characters sacrifice, to relate to hope/redemption/miracles, or to ironically make the character look smaller rather than greater. Connection: In The Matrix Trilogy, the main character Neo shares characteristics with that of a Christ figure. Neo is again and again referred to as "the One" in a messianic way. In the first film, he sacrifices himself to save Morpheus and Trinity and dies, rises from the dead, and then ascends into the sky. Also, throughout the trilogy, Neo saves many people, and in the final film, a blinded Neo sacrifices himself to save to humanity, with his arms

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