Political Party System In South Africa

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Introduction The consequences of a dominant party system for the successful consolidation of democracy, has always been an issue of interest amongst political scientists in democracies all over the world. In a situation whereby one political party dominates the political landscape and faces little prospect of defeat in the general elections, then concerns always arise surrounding the possibility of declining government response to public opinion, loss of accountability and the overall destruction of democratic principles. So the following essay will argue if whether or not the multi-party parliament matters in the context of a dominant party system. To articulate this position this essay will focus on South Africa as far as its political party…show more content…
The ANC also control eight of the country's nine provinces, with the exception of the Western Cape, where the Democratic Alliance has been in power since 2009 elections. In 2014, the DA secured 59.38% of the provincial vote. Furthermore the ANC also controls seven out of the eight metropolitan municipalities. However, other opposition parties remain strong and vocal. The Parliament of South Africa is also made up of two houses, which are the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The National Assembly being the most influential house as it passes legislation and supervise the executive performance. Members in the National Assembly are elected for a term of five years. South African citizens aged 18 and above are all eligible to vote regardless of their gender, race and their social status, if they register to vote. Up to this date South Africa have been argued to have had fully inclusive democratic elections every five years since the end of the apartheid regime in 1994. During the apartheid regime, only white South Africans had a right to vote for the national…show more content…
However in the case of South Africa as a multi-party parliament with ANC being a dominant party, opposition parties can only be vocal and have little influence in terms of protecting the interest of citizens, examining government’s performance and exposing corruption, especially by government officials belonging to the dominant party. This is precisely because there are too much powers invested to the dominant party, especially, the president. For example the president get to appoint the members of the judiciary which always poses a question of a conflict of interest should it happen that the president is found on the other side of the

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